Last week, a delegation from the Chamber and several of our MOU partners were in our nation’s Capital to advocate for policies important to Tampa Bay and the business community. The two-day trip was packed with meetings with members of the Tampa Bay Congressional Delegation and White House officials. The group also met with officials from the Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, Federal Highway Administration, Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Our advocacy efforts for the trip centered on three key areas of interest in our local economy. We advocated for amending the locality pay guidelines for housing which directly impacts military members who serve at MacDill Air Force Base. Second, we asked for the reinstatement of the full/immediate deductibility of research & experimentation costs in Section 174 of the Jobs Act of 2017. Last, but not least, we advocated for finding solutions to the rising cost of flood insurance. We also spoke with U.S. Department of Transportation officials about various opportunities to secure federal grants and low-interest loans to help fund critical transportation projects in our region.
Advocacy for these policy initiatives is ongoing, and it is up to the Chamber and the community to continue to communicate with officials, expressing the need for action on these issues.
In the coming days, we will be publishing articles and media that take a deeper look into each of these policy initiatives.
Thank you to Mayor Buckhorn and the Shumaker Advisors team for sponsoring our 2023 Catalyst Trip. |